Yom Kippur is a significant time, and there are opportunities to purchase honors. The available honors come with pledges and bidding. It’s also possible to purchase honors in honor of someone else. Both men and women can purchase honors, but only men will be called upon. All bidding for honorsContinue Reading

In honor of the heroes of October 7th | Marking the one year anniversary of the Simchat Torah Massacre Monday, October 21st, 2024 Doors Open at 5:30, refreshments in the Sukkah Presentation at 6:00 – Q&A to Follow In Oakland – RSVP for location Shay Raz is a member ofContinue Reading

The Bat Mitzvah Club offers girls ages 11-13 a special opportunity to explore what it means to be a Bat Mitzvah, bond with other Jewish girls, and make friendship to last a lifetime. Girls enjoy meaningful learning and relevant discussions, crafts, games, baking and fun-filled activities at each meeting. 9Continue Reading

  Drawing inspiration from the weekly Torah portion and Jewish holidays, the Ladies Lunch & Learn series are relevant, insightful and a refreshing break in the midst of a fast-paced work day. This bi-monthly study group is held on Mondays, from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, at Chabad 3014 LakeshoreContinue Reading

    On December 13, the 6th night of Chanukah, the Oakland Menorah at Lake Merritt was destroyed and desecrated. We are stronger than hate. The holiday of Chanukah celebrates the 2,000 year old victory of the few over the many and light over darkness. Our light was challenged inContinue Reading

The Jewish Women’s Circle invites you to an evening of empowerment and unity. Experience a captivating exploration of Jewish femininity through an incredible theatrical show, where remarkable female figures who shaped Jewish identity and survival come to life through words, imagery, song and dance. Join us as we come togetherContinue Reading

In light of recent anti-semitic attacks on the Chabad Center, and the need to replace bullet resistant glass windows, we are launching a campaign to raise $20,000 to keep our facility secure. Please donate below. Security is a top priority at Chabad. We are in regular communication with the OaklandContinue Reading

7 Things You Can Do for Israel Now Help by taking an action from this list, and by sharing it with family, friends and colleagues The updates from Israel are deeply distressing. More than 1,400 people murdered, thousands injured, and over 220 individuals abducted by terrorists. In the coming days,Continue Reading